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Droitwich wins contest against Kidderminster

Droitwich Camera Club’s first external competition of the season was against Kidderminster Camera Club on Monday 13 November.

Droitwich won the competition. Results are:

Prints: Droitwich 268 points, Kidderminster 257 points

Projected Images: Droitwich 266 points. Kidderminster 253 points.

We congratulate our members who scored a maximum of 20 points.

Prints: Mark Wild (Last Crane Standing), Ric Harding (Red Squirrel Grooming), and Sue Abbott (Rose).

Projected Images: Audrey Couchman (The Plough in the Aurora), Ric Harding (Balancing Act), and Sue Biggart (Rose).

The competition was hosted at Kidderminster and the Judge was Bob Goode. Each club entered 15 prints and 15 projected images.

AND… a reminder: next week at the Club is competition No 3 – "In a Rush".

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